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2019年4月26日 (金)

3D secure manually payment has been launched.

I am Shiruou from milkycat.com

Our manually payment barely launched(only download currenly)
We will update our members area for 10days emperor changing holiday.
Signups before 8th April, your rebills are kept then your VIP signup is still available.
only new signup of VISA/Master (issued companies outside in Japan) are not available.
About 3D secure>>

Here is how to register your 3D secure on your credit card

This is a case of other payment but easy to know.
Please check the instruction and ask your card support how to register.
Usually, 3D secure is as same as your log in credentials/pin of internet account of yours.
"Registration" means a creation of your creditcard internet account.
We have to check about this new procedure working before install memberships.
So currently only manually payment for download.

We can't do anything about payment rule change. some of people asked us to unlock,
but we didn't lock you out. we are totally out of control about credit card.
This is Japanese payment company's rule.
We can only plug it into our website and
There are very few payment processors to allow porn payment.
Actually we want to know it more than yours.

now we had just launched 3D secure payment processor, but this processor seems to
obey new rule too, then the situation is still unstable, so we don't describe it in detail.
now AMEX, credit cards issued in Japan are available, it means 
USA and Japan people are only available about porn signup.
I don't know why they are refused only J-porn,
but there were a lot of frauds from overseas.
I recommend you to get AMEX or register your 3D secure.
If we restart about monthly membership with 3D secure, it will be only full access VIP plan.
Then I guess we should publish some company account in overseas to make foreign transaction.
I know that only US people can use US payment processor or must pay really high payment fee.
If you have some good idea, please let us know.
(However, we don't need any actor offer from overseas without any business offer)





4/1-5/6まで DMCR10%割引セール




Aine Kagura's "Slutting Diary" now available on new VIP page!













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