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2021年4月18日 (日)

New payment option Bitsafe

Dear fans.
Unfortunately Paypal has been suspended(We knew this would be finished, but we sacrificed our account for your necessity)

Now we only have 3Dsecure creditcards, or Amex(witjout3Dsecure) from the west.
Please apply 3D secure on your creditcard(call your issued company) if you are intend.

On the other hands, we have Bitsafe.
This company is available for Porn paysite, so now we can accept your free bitsafe transfer.

about Bitsafe

We opened this for our Manyvids, this is avaiable for porn and international pay.
However, the currency must be changed Euro, so we must change our pricing.
Now we are discussing with them about pricing structure.
Please let us know you are familiar with Bitsafe or not.







« プログラム更新とか整理とかAltering programs | トップページ | 4.25皆月ひかるちゃんぶっかけLive Hikaru Bukkake Live 25 April »





« プログラム更新とか整理とかAltering programs | トップページ | 4.25皆月ひかるちゃんぶっかけLive Hikaru Bukkake Live 25 April »